No person wants to think about the sadness and grief of losing a family member or much loved friend. Unfortunately this does occur. The simple process of death can affect our lives, our thoughts, our whole understanding of the value of our existence.
Arranging a funeral can be bewildering, especially if you have not had to do it before. I like to offer my services in this time and guide you in your time of need.
My approach as a Civil Celebrant is respectful, genuinely caring and sincere as well as providing a professional service.
A personal funeral, memorial ceremony or a celebration of life funeral can be a fitting tribute to the person who has passed away. It's remembering, acknowledging and celebrating their life, their achievements and milestones, it's also grieving their passing. It's a time when a family can say their goodbye as per their wishes.
Every life has meaning and deserves to be celebrated well and funerals offer a genuine tribute honouring the life of a loved one who has passed. Nothing can take away the grief but funerals can be a valuable source of healing and an important way of bringing happiness and mental balance to individuals.